Friday, April 15, 2011


"Hi my name is Dion and I'm addicted to Pinterest."
"Hi Dion".....

I know I'm a bit late to the whole Pinterest phenomenon, but friends I still have to gush about my new love.  I just want to kiss whoever created it.  It has changed my life.  Fo real.

from my For the Haven board

See I've been collecting different forms of inspiration all my life.  From the colorful and unique buttons I would hoard at my mother's clothing showroom in New York as a wee tot, to the many (many many) notebooks and journals I filled in high school and college.  Cut to two days ago, I was dragging images to an unorganized desktop folder, bookmarking things I would never find again, and tearing sheets out of magazines.  Pinterest is like the love child of Martha Stewart and the blog world.  It's ridiculously organized and web etiquette remains intact.  Proper credit is given to each image and you can even click on the image to be brought to the article, blog post etc. it came from.  

from my Take it Outside board

I crave visual stimulation constantly, so in short Pinterest is food for my soul.  It is the sister I never had.  When I get overwhelmed with the, ahem, joys of motherhood, it is my happy place.  I calms me and reminds me of my identity outside of being a mom.  And yes I may need a twelve step program here shortly because I am obsessed!  

from my Inspired board

If you would like to see what's making me tick lately check out my boards here.

from My Style board

Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my lover, I've spent too much of T's valuable nap time writing this post ;o)

oxx Dion

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I have just heard about this too. I now HAVE to check it out! You got me!


a penny for your thoughts...