Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Hunt

It was too early for anyone to be up on a Sunday.  But that's the thing about kids, they can smell a special day ahead while they're sleeping.  As we rubbed the sleep out of our eyes and tried to get on the little man's energy level, he let out a shriek.  "I see eggs daddy," he giggled as he looked out our french doors to the backyard.  

And from that moment the hunt was on. 

He zoomed around the backyard on the most joyous mission I have ever seen.  I tried to remind myself to snap a few frames, because mainly I was in such awe of his wonder and excitement.   Moments like these make me thankful to be a mom, and want to freeze time forever.  

As he looked down a his bucket surveying the loot he beamed, "mama it's magic!"  And I melted into a puddle in the grass.

 Happy Easter to you and yours! 

 oxx Dion

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter T and family! Even though it's a week later! His face is priceless with excitement!!!


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